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The Higher Education Academy -

What it is and what it does


The Higher Education Academy is a private company and registered charity dedicated to enhancing learning and teaching in HE across the UK. It aims to bring together universities, colleges and sector agencies to improve teaching and the student experience. It achieves this by managing the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and has its own recognition programme to support professionalism in teaching. The four levels are:

Associate Fellow (AFHEA)
Fellow (FHEA)
Senior Fellow (SFHEA)
Principal Fellow (PFHEA)

There are a number of reasons why a new or existing HE provider might want to become accredited as a centre or an individual seek their recognition but the primary reason, particularly within the HE in FE sector, is one of legitimacy. The HEA offers a 'level playing field' for its members. By gaining recognition, an individual will have evidenced their commitment to high quality, innovative and effective student-oriented teaching and can be regarded equally with other members. This can be of great value to institutions and individuals: while there are differing ways centres can achieve their goals it all stems from the UKPSF and how it has been embedded.

As a Senior Fellow of the HEA, I am well-placed to advise institutions and individuals on how to achieve recognition up to and including the level of Senior Fellow. I have been heavily involved in the design and implementation of programmes accredited by the HEA to be delivered as part of institute-wide CPD to Fellow level, and can help develop strategies, teaching materials and delivery structures to meet your needs.

Organised and implemented correctly, working towards HEA membership can help HE practitioners regardless of subject specialism to contextualise their teaching within HE and realise their professional ambitions. Its currency within the sector has increased significantly and for this fact alone, has to be worth considering.

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